Single Moms Going to College


I came across this video, which I thought would give some inspiration to other single moms going back to school. There is a mindset that you have to have in order to succeed. You have to believe 100% that you can do it and do not say things like "I hope I can make it"...instead say "I will make it." It can make all the difference.

As she says in the video, with a minimum wage living she will never be able to afford to do the things she wants to do, which is spending more time enjoying life with her kids. Building memories with her kids. She does not want her children to look back and say how hard mom always worked but they never had anything. I applaud her in her efforts and hope she is able to keep up with her video documentary to give other women some insight and inspiration.

Single moms are going back to college both like her at a brick and mortar college and even online. You have to decide which would be better for you according to your learning styles. Some people just do better on their own and others need to physically be in the school to do well. Either way, just do something to change your life, if you are unhappy with your present financial situation.

Be sure to check out the scholarship link below to look for scholarships in your area and also enter to win a $10,000 scholarship just for signing up at Scholarships for moms - no cost.

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