Scholarships for Moms at UPS - Up to $15,000 to $20,000


If you are looking to work at a company that offers scholarships for moms as a benefit, then UPS is another one to add to your list. If you get a job at UPS you will be eligible to apply for their scholarship program. UPS even offers scholarships to dependents of UPS employees.

"You can earn up to $15,000 toward your college education by just being employed and working part-time at UPS. These scholarships for moms are available in 51 UPS locations across the country and the program is called the UPS Earn and Learn program. It offers $3,000 per calendar year with a lifetime maximum of $15,000 in assistance. For part-time management employees, the benefits are increased to $4,000 per calendar year with a lifetime maximum of $20,000.

Students are eligible for Earn and Learn the day they are hired and benefits are prorated accordingly if a student is hired mid-semester. " - as per UPS website.

This just goes to show you that you never know where you may find scholarships for moms that can help pay for your career.

Single Moms Going to College


I came across this video, which I thought would give some inspiration to other single moms going back to school. There is a mindset that you have to have in order to succeed. You have to believe 100% that you can do it and do not say things like "I hope I can make it"...instead say "I will make it." It can make all the difference.

As she says in the video, with a minimum wage living she will never be able to afford to do the things she wants to do, which is spending more time enjoying life with her kids. Building memories with her kids. She does not want her children to look back and say how hard mom always worked but they never had anything. I applaud her in her efforts and hope she is able to keep up with her video documentary to give other women some insight and inspiration.

Single moms are going back to college both like her at a brick and mortar college and even online. You have to decide which would be better for you according to your learning styles. Some people just do better on their own and others need to physically be in the school to do well. Either way, just do something to change your life, if you are unhappy with your present financial situation.

Be sure to check out the scholarship link below to look for scholarships in your area and also enter to win a $10,000 scholarship just for signing up at Scholarships for moms - no cost.

Government Grants for Single Moms - Fill out the FASA Early


We are already approaching October and before you know it January 1, 2010, will be here. Last year the government-based financial aid went very quickly, as many people have fallen on some hard times this economic downturn and more applied for free grant money. This is why it is very important for you to apply for the government grants for single moms if you are planning on returning to school.

More and more single moms are returning to college in order to make more money and since most of these one-income households usually meet the need-based grant criteria, it is very important that you fill out the FAFSA early and fill it out correctly. By not making sure that each question is answered exactly right, you could delay or even disqualify yourself from receiving money.

Be sure to fill out your IRS 1040 form first before filling out the FASFA, however, there is a new tool that you can use right away called the FAFSA4caster. It will help you determine your eligibility for government aid, so you can get a rough idea of what you will receive even before the first of the year, which may help you in choosing your school.

Filling out the FAFSA is important as it can also be useful when trying to get financial aid from other sources such as the school itself. Government grants for single moms is the best starting point when looking for help to pay for schooling. But don't stop there. You can also find scholarships in your area that are available by using the scholarship link below and you can enter to win a $10,000 scholarship too.

Scholarships for Moms Working at WalMart

If you walk into any Walmart, you will see a lot of adults, including moms, working there. We all know that people who work at Walmart stores usually do not make a lot of money. So if you are a single mom and employed at Walmart with a desire to go back to school then you need to apply for the scholarships for moms working at Walmart.

Walmart offers scholarships to kids just graduating from high school and they also offer them for nontraditional students including adults who are returning to college or even just attending college for the first time. This is a great way for anyone struggling right now with a low-paying job to be able to go to school.

In order to qualify you have to have worked there for six consecutive months before applying for the money. Other than that as long as you are a US citizen or legal resident, then you qualify to receive the scholarships for moms working at Walmart.

Walmart will start accepting applications for the next school year starting in November. Recipients of the Walmart scholarship can get up to $3000 and selection of winners is based on financial need and school and community activity and leadership.

There are also college grants for moms that you can add to the scholarships for moms that are available. Just do your research. Be sure to apply for all types of scholarships and grants as long as it is free to apply.

How to Find Scholarships


When trying to locate scholarships, don't just limit yourself to believing that you have to be a star student in order to receive some scholarships for school. There are other ways to find scholarships for school.

Scholarships are not only for kids just graduating high school, but there are also single mom scholarships, single parent scholarships, and plain scholarships that adults can apply for also.

Sometimes finding these can be tricky and you need to do your research, but they can be had. You just have to be diligent. Being able to get a college degree without having thousands of dollars in school loans looming over your head when you graduate is well worth the time learning how to find scholarships using every avenue possible to attain that free money.

Don't limit yourself to only one college when thinking about getting scholarships. Each collage will usually have their own set of scholarships, so just because a school is more expensive on paper does not mean that you will pay more in the end.

There are a lot of online colleges now too that you should consider, especially if you are a single mom looking to return to school. By staying at home and attending class, you will avoid some of the headaches associated with finding someone to take care of your kids or even just pick them up from school while you are at class.

There are a lot of great reasons to go back to school right now and get a better education to help you secure a stronger financial future. Even entering contests to win scholarships is a great idea. You never know when you will be the one walking away with that prize.

Scholarship in Rochester New York - Go to School for Free


A new scholarship in Rochester New York for those interested in attending RIT has just been unveiled. This is a full-ride scholarship for those who qualify meaning at the end of your education, you will have nothing to pay back.

Today's kids sometimes decide not to go to college because of the financial burden of a higher education. This choice will usually set them up for a lifetime of lower wages. But, RIT in Rochester New York is trying to break this cycle by offering a complete scholarship for those who qualify and apply.

More and more schools are trying to find creative ways to get graduating kids into college. This type of scholarship would be especially helpful for those young, teenage mothers who might not otherwise be able to go to college and unlike a lot of grants and scholarships based on need, the recipient does not have to be at poverty level.

This scholarship in Rochester New York will help a lot of young adults that fall through the cracks by either not being poor enough to get a college grant but not yet having enough money to pay for their education either.

Even if you do not live in Rochester, find out about the scholarships you may qualify to receive right now, for free.


Financial Aid for Online Colleges


Most people returning to school in this tough economy are searching out grants and other sources to help pay for the cost of classes. This includes all schools. Yes, there is financial aid for online colleges too.

Just because you may get your degree from an online college does not make it any less valuable than going to a traditional college. There are many accredited schools that offer financial aid and some of them even have their own programs to help you pay for classes.

It is important to do a search for the best schools and avoid the diploma mill type places, which give you a useless piece of paper at the end. Do a complete search for schools, compare prices and requirements, and see which one is best for your. Be sure that the schools are accredited. offers some great resources for you to use in your search.

Now is the time to get started finding where you want to go to school along with applying for all the scholarships and grants you can so that you don't get stuck with a bunch of student loans. There are many free money opportunities available, so be sure to find them all. You will want to get as much financial aid for online colleges as you can before you decide which one to attend. Also, be sure to enter to win a scholarship worth $10,000. If you don't enter, you can't win.

Moms Returning to College - Online Classes Are an Option


Moms are busy. We barely have enough time to get all the things done we have to do in a day. But, if for moms returning to college, we have to find some extra time to complete our coursework.

Back in the day there were no choices. If you wanted to get get a degree, you had to drive to the campus, try to find a parking place, drag your books to class and then sit there while the professor taught. That is just the way it was. Now, with the use of the Internet, moms returning to college have the luxury of staying at home and getting their degree.

There are many advantages to this type of college/school. The time you save in a commute you can use studying. Being able to talk to other students in a forum is also a benefit. I know that in college, most of the other students I never even met. This way you get the benefit of everyone's knowlege and students can help each other out when in a jam.

For moms returning to college, be sure to check out the online colleges available. Be sure that they are accredited so that any grant and/or scholarship money you receive you will be able to use towards your education. Also, be sure to enter to win a $10,000 scholarship and check out the past winners too.

College Scholarships for Single Moms - North Carolina Orphan Scholarship

Single moms, if you are a North Carolina orphan you can qualify for a full scholarship.

NC Reach Program in North Carolina, has a program available to all orphans in the state that will pick up the tab for any remaining educational tuition after grants and/or scholarships.

This program was started in 2008 and many people do not know about it who could be taking advantage of it. Of course, you do not have to be a single mom for this grant/scholarship but if you are, you will still qualify.

The requirements to receive this money are:

  • Being a legal resident of North Carolina eligible for in-state tuition rates.

  • Were adopted from North Carolina DSS foster care after age 12 or aged out of NC foster care at age 18 (must have been in NC DSS foster care on 18th birthday).

  • Enrolled in one of the 74 North Carolina Public colleges, universities, or community colleges.

  • Have not yet reached age 26. Student remain eligible until their 26th birthday.

This is a great program to help the group of people, who often find themselves trapped in a certain financial category. Without parents, it is often more difficult for people to attend college, so this program will help a lot of people. You can find out more at NC Reach

If you do not happen to fall within this category but still are looking for money to help pay for college, then enter to win a scholarship for $10,000.

Textbooks for College - Saving Money on Books

If you have ever attended college or known someone who has, you know how dang expensive those textbooks for college can be. After you use them you can either try to find someone to buy them from you or if the school has decided to change the books, well then you are stuck with that textbook.

Finally some companies and colleges are doing what the K-12th grade schools do and that is rent the book. Sometimes this can be a savings of up to 85%, which can really save you some money.

By saving money on your textbooks for college, your scholarship and grant money will go farther. Just think, if you only spent $100 to $200 on books for a semester versus $500 each semester that will be a nice savings.

Unlike buying a book, the rental company will take the book back even if it has been discontinued and if you want to keep the book, many of the rental companies just have you pay the difference.

Besides checking out your school for renting textbooks for college, there are some companies out there that offer this service.




As always, be sure to enter to win a scholarship for $10,000 that will help you pay for your college education.

Single Mother - Daughter Tells of Financial Struggles

As you know, being a single mother is full of difficulties and frustrations for you. But what about your kids? Don't think that they do not see your hardships and share in your pain of not being able to give them everything they want and/or need.

Kids are pretty observant and even if you say nothing directly to them about the struggles you are having, they will just pick up on your emotional state and just know.

Fortunately the Andrea took this pain that her mother and she experienced and turned it into her motivating factor for getting a college education. Unfortunately, not all kids of low-income families do this. Some will just follow in their parent's footsteps repeating the cycle of poverty.

If you want to attend college and make a bigger paycheck and have benefits, etc, you can do it. You just have to be determined to achieve a better life for yourself and you family by getting a better eduction. There is financial aid to help you pay for school through loans and grants plus you can enter to win the $10,000 scholarship

Single Parent Nursing Program

In searching for an informational video to help single mothers, mother, and single parents I came across this one for the single parent nursing program in NJ. What a great idea this is. This is what is called a hand up not a hand out.

After finding this single parent program, I dug a little deeper and found another college out there that are offering single parent scholarships.

These were the terms:

1. Scholarships to be used for tuition, travel and educational costs
2. Career advising
3. Community referrals
4. Workshops and information about life management and study skills

Eligible Students Must Be:

  • Presently enrolled in the college majoring in an A.S. Degree or Certificate Program and taking core classes stated in the college catalog for the appropriate major

  • Have completed all learning assistance, English and general education classes as stated in the catalog.

  • Have completed one semester and maintained a GPA of 2.00 or better

  • Must qualify for financial assistance – be eligible for Pell Grant and/or other forms of financial aid.

WOW!! Just goes to show you what you can find when you do some digging.

The number of single parent households is on the rise, and the average single parent is unable to make an above-poverty level income. This is putting a strain on government run programs, which is why these types of single-parent college scholarships are popping up now.

Unlike young adults, single moms and parents entering college are usually more driven and focused. You know what it is like to live your life day in and day out facing the struggles of just paying the bills and you are going to be more committed to succeeding in college and getting your degree. The government and institutions are banking on your success and believe that you will have enough drive to finish your education and make a better life for yourself and your family. Don't you?

Find out more information about the single parent nursing program in New Jersey and don't forget to also enter to win a $10,000 scholarship towards school.

Single Moms Online Degrees

The times of having to actually go to campus for our classes are long gone. Now, thanks to technology, single moms online degrees are popping up at schools all across the country. We can "attend" classes in the comfort of our own home and not waste so much time driving to and from school...and trying to find a place to park.

This is a great luxury, however, it can also problematic if you are not a self-motivated and structured person. Just like going to classes in person, you are responsible for the classwork even though you do it online. You have to be motivated enough to get the work done and not put it off. Have a schedule for yourself as to when you will do the work and stick to it. Of course, if your child gets sick or you have to go to your child's school, you can change your schedule to fit your needs for that day. But don't get in a habit of this.

Don't think that taking care of your baby while you study at home is going to be easy because it is not. If your child is too young for school, try to have a family member or friend watch him/her while you do your course work. If you child is in school, then use that time to study.

However, if you are working all day when your kids are in school, then you may have to wait until after they go to bed or use the time before they get up. You can also do your homework when they do theirs. This may help them out in the long run, as if you are doing your studies at the same time they are, it is not quite as easy for them not to focus with you sitting there. The key is to just be consistent.

Remember, these few years are going to pass and pass quickly and will pave a way to a better life for you and your family in the future.

Support for Single Moms- Inspirational

Usually I try to show support for single moms by having videos of mothers in school and how they cope with doing it all. However, today I came across this video and it touched me. Every once in a while through the chaos, sleepless nights, and merry-go-round of a life that all of us mothers live, we need to step back and take time to appreciate what we do have. I understand the strain and struggle of just trying to make ends meet and I too lie awake at night just hoping all the bills will be covered.

Thankfully I am now on track to becoming more financially independent and being able to provide a better life for my family, but sometimes I get so caught up in reaching my goals that I forget that my kids will not always be little and will not always need me.

Every once in a while take some time. Step back and look at what you do have and be grateful. This is not to say to lose focus on your goals or don't complete something that has to be done, but just find a few extra minutes a day to just sit, talk, play with your kids. It means more to them than you probably realize.

Single Moms Going to College

Single moms going to college have a difficult time finding the time, money, and stamina to attend college. Unlike the majority of college students whose only responsibility is going to class and getting good grades, parents in college also have to take care of their children at night. Feeding them, giving them their baths and putting them to bed. All before hitting the books. And if the kids get sick, forget about you just might not get any homework done.

So, how do moms attending college keep it all together? If they are lucky they have a good support group, whether it is other students in their same situation and/or their family. It is important to try to get yourself involved in a group of people who have a similar life to your own. There are a lot of advantages to surrounding yourself with other parents in school. For instance, if you babysitter falls through or if you child gets sick and you have to study, maybe another parent will watch your child. In turn you an return the favor someday when they need it, as it always seems like our children get sick at the worst times (not that there ever really is a good time).

Since more and more single moms are going to college in these tough economic times, be sure to take advantage of any and every opportunity that may help you succeed including entering to win a $10,000 scholarship.

Student Loans for College - What to Know

With more and more people returning to school and college life, more businesses are pushing student loans making them sound like a wonderful opportunity. Be careful when choosing to take out these loans, as you can wind up paying back a lot more in the end.

Be sure that you know all the facts on these so called easy loans. If you do have to borrow money to go to school, try getting one from the government first as these usually have a lower interest rate plus the interest does not build up while you are still in school.

Your best bet for paying for your education is to seek out a college grant either from the government, non-profit groups, or other entities. This money never has to be paid back...Ever! Sometimes they are based on merit or need and other times they are handed out just if you qualify.

The last thing you want to do is to graduate from college and have student loans hanging over your head for the next decade. Especially when you could have had it all paid for you for nothing using a government grant.

Enter for Next $10,000 Drawing

If you are looking for free money for school, it is important to take any and every opportunity put in front of you. This includes entering contests, giveaways, filling out grant and financial aid requests ,etc. When you click on the above banner, you will be given an opportunity to enter for a chance to win $10,000 towards your education and, since it does not cost anything to enter, why not give it a shot?

You can also find a list of previous winners and read their stories by just following the appropriate link after clicking on the banner above. Hopefully the stories of other moms winning the $10,000 and being able to return to school will encourage you to do the same and make a better life for yourself and your family.